Monday, August 17, 2015

Muguet: Le Temps du Muguet (Annotated French song)

[Updated 18 August, 2015]

Dear Readers: Collating different video versions, transliterating and annotating the text of each song on this blog takes a long time. If you like what I've done, please leave comments below. If I've made a mistake somewhere, or you would like more English glosses, please do let me know!

May 1st is a French holiday. On this day, all over France you can buy lilies of the valley. If you visit French-speaking friends (especially in France, Switzerland or Belgium) on this day, you should definitely offer them a sprig of lilies of the valley, a symbol of friendship. If you can't find real lilies of the valley, several French companies provide e-cards:

Lily of the Valley--527px-Maigloeckchen_2--CC-BY-SA, Jüppsche
Le Temps du Muguet (《鈴蘭時節》in Chinese) is a beautiful French song about lilies of the valley. It is loosely based on a Russian original (Подмосковные Вечера = Podmoskovnyje Vechera, Moscow Nights) from the 1950s. 

Here Le Temps du Muguet is sung by Francis Lemarque (with onscreen lyrics), 
the composer who wrote the French version (

Here is a lovely version sung (but without onscreen lyrics) by a French singer called Dorothée (

Below you will find two text versions of Le Temps du Muguet, followed by some glosses in English.

1) Traditional French spelling on the left, 

2) IPA on the right (to help you pronounce the words correctly; if you don't see the IPA, please install Arial Unicode TTF or a similar font on your computer) and 

3) word-for-word English glosses for lines 1-7.

Le Temps du Muguet,
Traditional spelling
Le Temps du Muguet, IPA
Il est revenu le temps du muguet
il ε ʁəvəny lə tɑ̃ dy mygε

= He/It has come back the time of the ...
Eng. revenue = taxes (money that
comes back to the government)
muguet = lily of the valley
Eng. temporary = for a short time
Comme un vieil ami retrouvé
kɔmɛ͂ vjεjami ʁətʁuve

= Like an old friend found again
Eng. An amicable divorce is friendly

Il est revenu flâner le long des quais
il ε ʁəvəny flane lə lo͂ de kε

He has come back to stroll along
the docks (= of the Seine)
Jusqu´au banc où je t´attendais
ʒysko bɑ̃ u ʒə tatɑ̃dε

He walked up to the bench
Eng. attend = to wait on people
where I was waiting for you
Et j´ai vu refleurir
e ʒε vy ʁəflœʁiʁ

And I saw bloom again
fleur = flower
L´éclat de ton sourire
lekla də to͂ suʁiʁ

The burst of your smile

Aujourd´hui plus beau que jamais
oʒuʁdɥi ply bo kə ʒamε

Today more handsome than ever
Fr. beauté = Eng. beauty

Le temps du muguet ne dure jamais
lə tɑ̃ dy mygε nə dyʁə ʒamε
Plus longtemps que le mois de mai
ply lo͂tɑ̃ kə lə mwɑ də mε
Quand tous ses bouquets déjà seront fanés
kɑ̃ tu se bukε deʒa səʁo͂ fane
Pour nous deux rien n´aura changé
puʁ nu dø ʁjε̃ nɔʁa ʃɑ̃ʒe
Aussi belle qu´avant
osi bεlə kavɑ͂
Notre chanson d´amour
nɔtʁ ʃɑ̃so͂ damuʁ
Chantera comme au premier jour
ʃɑ̃təʁa kɔmo pʁəmje ʒuʁ

Il s´en est allé le temps du muguet
il sɑ͂nεtale lə tɑ̃ dy mygε
Comme un vieil ami fatigué
kɔmɛ͂ vjεjami fatige
Pour toute une année pour se faire oublier
puʁ tutyn ane puʁ sə fεʁublije
En partant il nous a laissé
ɑ̃ paʁtɑ̃ il nuza lεse
Un peu de son printemps
ɛ͂pø də so͂ pʁε̃tɑ̃
Un peu de ses vingt ans
ɛ͂pø də se vε̃ ɑ̃
Pour s´aimer pour s´aimer longtemps.
puʁ seme puʁ seme lo͂tɑ̃.

Here is a jazz version of le temps du muguet sung by Danielle Darrieux

The Russian original and a Chinese appear below:
Podmoskovnyje Vechera sung in Russian with the Russian words (with a space between each letter, unfortunately), a Chinese translation (in traditional characters) & even a loosely translated rhyming English version 莫斯科郊外的晚上(

A very elegant version sung on Red Square in 2013 by Anna Netrebko (soprano) and Dmitri Hvorostovsky (baritone), accompanied by the Grand Choir "Masters of Choral Singing" (conductor Lev Kontorovich) and the State Symphony Orchestra of Russia (conductor Constantine Orbelian) ( 

Finally, here is a version sung entirely in Mandarin:

莫斯科郊外的晚上 - 黃紅英 Huang Hong-Ying  

深夜花园里四处静悄悄 只有风儿在轻轻唱
夜色多么好 心儿多爽朗 在这迷人的晚上
夜色多么好 心儿多爽朗 在这迷人的晚上
小河静静流微微翻波浪 水面映着银色月光
一阵清风 一阵歌声 多么幽静的晚上
一阵清风 一阵歌声 多么幽静的晚上

长夜快过去天色蒙蒙亮 衷心祝福你好姑娘
但愿从今后 你我永不忘 莫斯科郊外的晚上
但愿从今后 你我永不忘 莫斯科郊外的晚上

Which is your favorite version? Why?

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